Sunday, November 23, 2003

AH the life of the university student.....a.ka. me and all the rest of you (you know who you are) out there. I felt like i should really write on this silly webpage....sure no one reads it, but i should at least try to post something. Also as a first year student i should always be in pursuit of new procrastination techniques, and posting something on my website seems like a plan. So what has happened since this summer, when i last posted? I turned 18 which would be exicting had I lived in Alberta. And I worked, and attended the fall fair as per usual. As well I started university, UBC is the place to be and it's right by the sea (rhyming, hehe). It's weird already being here, it seems like yesterday I was walking through the mismatched halls of SPSS, and now there is one more week of class before finals. I only have one final, thanks to arts one and geography being one year classes...I am such a slacker. Besides school though...I live in this place called 5th Shuswap in Totem Park, go REDS (not any affliation with the colour of the UBC engineers, cause bigger is better arts kicks ass....i am going to get hassled for the preceeding comment). Life here is interesting to say the least I could write for hours about how the last 3 months have been, but I shall try to some it up in a few headings:

-'The English' are hilarious (even more so when in groups and trying to skate).
-Roomates are great when they are Kate, (p.s. what's with the peanuts and milk, and bowls of cottage cheese)?
-Katie (not Kate mentioned above) is cute and fairy-like, even though she won't admit to it because she hates being called cute.
-U-Passes are great for random shopping impluses after classes
-The import, and the jock are the queens of Buckingham.
-Glouberman is the king of the one shirt a week-ness....(its still gross, eww)
-Regular movie watching is necessary.

more to come.....

eRiKa ;o)