Tuesday, July 20, 2004

So what is new in my life.  I haven't had anything life changing happen to me and I am still living a pretty simple teenage life.  But things go on and there is always something to ramble on about and my blog is the perfect place to do it, eventhough i barely ever do, haha.  I realize no one prolly reads this.  Well that is alright but if you do I hope my rambles are somewhat uncanny and amusing.  For if they are I am doing my job, or am I?

It's July and I am 19, I can't believe I am this old.  My birthday went great had a classic filipino feast and then spent the day in Grande Prarie with the girls...I also bought my first official lotto ticket in BC and won ten bucks, talk about luck of the draw (insert sarcastic laughter here).  And with over a month left in summer I can now say that my summer job is somewhat boring (althought it will be a memorable job and time in my life from now on, lol), but alas its a paycheque. 

I am getting anticipatory (i realize this isn't really a word, but is that really relevant to the situation?)  for school, the new setting of ritz-ubc should be interesting, and hopefully something happens and places open up in the full film classes that i desperately need.  
Also I have a new phase obsession thanks to Christina and Terrisita via Saved by the Bell DVDs.  After all the gloom and violence that was my Godfather/mafia genre phase, its good to get back to the simpler things in life.  The tube dresses and cheesy story lines and my first TV character/actor crush (which brings me back to the summer that I was 7 years old) Zach Morris/Mark-Paul Gosselaar.  Saved by the Bell is quintessential late 80's early 90's pop culture and good times.  Gotta love it!  Cause it's Saved by the Bell!
I think its good to go through little obssesions once in a while.  It makes you have something to think about and is a good way to fill up time in those boring summer days.  It's a hobby and makes it easy to build up a gallery of pointless references to use in future conversation. 
So yeah that is it.... for now perhaps i will right more often, but I won't promise it.  For if I do the next thing you know it's 2005 and I haven't written diddlysquat.   Happy Trails Y'all.
erika ;)