Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I am an avid fan of Harry Potter, a fact that some might find is a sad cry for help for someone my age, but for me is something I choose (and if you are a fellow potterphile you will share my feelings) to think of as a good thing...As such this post includes a countdown to the release Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (July 16, 2005 a date that is near and dear to my heart for reasons friends and family should be familiar with).

Erika ;)

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Erika’s 100 (actually 101 see number 13) Favourite Films:

So here is my list of favourite films that I have seen to date (i.e. Jan 25, 2004). I have tried to rank my favourite movies (up until 30, because I was given an example of a list from someone else [you know who you are, cough] that had that many. 30 is really an arbitrary number. I had difficulties ranking w/in this limit). This list is by no means a statement that these are the best movies ever made (cause they’re not; that would be a far different list…honestly as if a movie like Ever After is a cinematic masterpiece). What this list is, is a list of ‘my’ 100 (or 101) favourite films (not just movies I enjoyed watching). There are more than a hundred of films that I like (to some capacity or degree). To close this rambling introduction, the following 30 films are ranked by my personal preference of them (right now…let’s face it in thirty years this list will probably change) and the other 60 were also preferential and just as hard to narrow down.

1. The Godfather
2. Fight Club
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Can’t Hardly Wait
5. Aladdin
6. The Breakfast Club
7. Grease
8. The Lion King
9. Citizen Kane
10. The Full Monty
11. Ocean’s Eleven
12. Mary Poppins
13. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban/ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
14. The Graduate
15. Forrest Gump
16. Dirty Dancing
17. Robin Hood Men in Tights
18. The Wedding Singer
19. Ever After
20. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
21. Les Invasion Barbares (The Barbarian Invasions)
22. The Ten Commandments
23. Beetlejuice
24. Shrek
25. Dazed and Confused
26. American History X
27. The Virgin Suicides
28. Billy Elliot
29. Being John Malkovich
30. The Sound of Music

The following are the rest of my favourite films that didn’t quite make the list (31-100 listed in no particular order, because it was hard enough to rank 30):

N.B. I have tried to limit myself to a list of 100 [including the top 30] because after a while it gets superfluous…Trust me you do not want me to list all the films that I find enjoyable because I watch (and have watched) a lot of movies.

Lost In Translation
The Empire Strikes Back
Bring it On
Mean Girls
Star Wars: A New Hope
Ferris Buller’s Day Off
It Happened One Night
Bonnie And Clyde
Back to the Future
The Aviator
Catch Me If You Can
Edward Scissorhands
West Side Story
Death to Smoochy
Home Alone
The Waterboy
Kill Bill Vol.2
ET: the Extra-teresstrial
Love Actually
The Godfather Part II
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Down With Love
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Some Like it Hot
The Faculty
Almost Famous
The Truman Show
Y Tu Mama Tambien
Never Been Kissed
Dead Poet’s Society
The Addams Family
10 Things I Hate About You
The Lost Boys
Risky Business
The Little Mermaid
That Thing You Do!
Batman Returns
High Fidelity
Old School
The Usual Suspects
Bollywood Hollywood
Animal House
Groundhog Day
A Walk to Remember
The School of Rock
Center Stage
Sixteen Candles
Fiddler on the Roof
My Girl
The Princess Diaries
The Parent Trap (the original)
Boggie Nights
3 Men and a Baby
Blue Crush
The Debut
My American Cousin
Igby Goes Down
The Matrix
Clueless (*this is an updated entry: as of Jan 31 Rushmore [which previously occupied this place on the random others list] has been pushed of the the top 100 because I completely didn't remember to include this teen classic at the time of conception of the bad)
Love Story
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Men With Brooms
Legally Blonde


-Erika ;)

A Blogspot Test:

Well first of all I figure that no one reads this. As I am completely clueless when it comes to more complex computer activities (and therefore do not know how to include a guestbook on this site since they changed the format) I thought I would put out a challenge to see if anyone actually reads my msn profile (was led to this website) and went on to read my crazy ramblings (as of late). Oh my....I am a rambler. Anyways if you for whatever reason visits my blog and reads this entry (and perhaps the previous ones as well) e-mail me at I don't care if you visited my site randomly, or if for some reason I am on your MSN list, you hate (or are just acquainted with me) and thought you would explore my profile to see what a pathetic loser I am.... So who ever you are out there (I shudder in hope I am not creating an opening for psychotic megalomaniacs to contact me), e-mail me if you visit here and read this post. I don't care if you read this 3 years from the post date or if you read this entry right know. Just let me know, cause for whatever your reason you took time out of your day to read my ramblings....and that my friends (or random reader) is news to me.

-eRiKa ;)

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Happy 2005 (to the people out there who for one reason or another actually read this entry),

So I am back at school once again, Christmas is over... And a new year is here. So what have a been up to since the summer (I don't really update this blog enough do I? What did I say in may last entry something on the lines of not wanting to promise more frequent entries because the next thing I know it will be 2005. Jesus Christ, I am psychic, lol). Well nothing life changing has occurred (persay, although I endured one of the most dramatic episodes of my life this past November courtesy of my Tatay [as usual], but I haven't done anything myself that is super major). None the less I have had some fun times and created some good memories. I have some great friends and a great family, so there is a lot about 2004 since the summer that should be remembered. I am still as confused about life as ever, but I seem to be finding my strengths. I am beginning to learn what I want from life, what I think I am good at and enjoy in the everyday.

Second year of University, eh... I seem to think about my future a lot. I mean there are still a lot of things I need to get a handle on and I have to decide what I am going to major in by the end of April. I need to start motivating myself to do things, to take those risks and deal with the "fish of the day". If you have seen my room in all of its cleanliness you will notice just how damn anal retentive I am, I need to start transferring that organization savvy into the day to day. All my life people have been telling me that I am a bright creative person (hell I tell myself that all the time), but I don't think I really believe it. Perhaps, all this procrastination and the like is just a reflection of my insecurities and my fear of failing at something I am passionate about. I have never had a calling (well if I have had one I am just to much of a dork to follow it). I have just done things that make my life simple, I don't take that extra unexpected step. Am I complacent? Yes, and that freaks me out. Will I be 35 sitting on the couch watching TV, with no significant other and a stupid desk job. I fucking hope not...

This leads to me and what I hope to accomplish (it's now or never, lol). I don't want to set specific goals for myself because that is just not my style, its too keener for me. I may be a dork, but I sincerely hope I have some chicness somewhere in there. I just want to try a little harder and maybe focus on things, instead of doing the least amount of work in life and getting average results. People tell me I can do it, here's to starting to believe in those statements (cheers!).

As for the rest of life. Going home this past Christmas has lead me to solidify a few conclusions. One I am a different person than I was in high school, two it isn't the same place that I grew up in. Well it's the same place, but I doesn't feel the same. It's still my home, but I am not up with the town goss, I am disconnected the friends I had in high school. They have there lives and I have mine (at the UBC). I still have my good friends that will always be there (you know who you are), but there are some people I haven't really talked to since I left. That is ok, life happens you move on, you grow. But these people from the past will always be part of my life, someday I will go home and see them. We will go have a drink and forget about all the years we haven't talked and remember simpler times. So people might not want to talk to me anymore (right now), its up to them I hope the are happy whatever they are doing.

I want to just be a happy person. Not that I am not happy (cause I am damnit!), but I want to figure out what I want to do, quit talking about it and actually do it. [Be the best Kakang I can be, lol.] As a wise woman who happens to be very close to me has been saying for the last couple of months..."DON'T COMPLAIN, DON'T EXPLAIN". Life will move on and whether or not you are happy with it is up to you. Don't dwell on the past, so here is to a happy and life epiphany full 2005. All the best, for you and for me....

-Erika ;)

P.S. This entry isn't up to my usual comedic standards. I will try to rectify this problem in the future. Maybe this will help a quote, as someone (my former wife and ex-roommate Kate) just reminded me: "Never deny yourself the pleasure of going pee." As far as the life lessons I am trying to learn this year. This one will always take the cake, it's basic, simple and just damn freaking true. Laters, y'all....